ATRA | St Clair/Madison County Record

About Us

Citizens for Judicial Integrity (CFJI), created in June 2012, is a grassroots committee committed to bringing reform to the Madison County Circuit Court. The American Tort Reform Association called Madison County "A Judicial Hell Hole".

The current court, elected with huge contributions from Judges and asbestos law firms Judges is responsible for a 'law suit explosion'. The current litigious court climate hurts Madison County's economic climate and health care systems. While the legal profession grows wealthy the local economy and people suffer.

Non-Retention Campaign

CFJI seeks to unseat four circuit judges named Callis, Crowder, Hylla, and Knight. These judges ran as a team promising reform in2006. Instead Madison County witnessed a law suit explosion. In 2006 Madison County had 265 asbestos but this exploded to 933 in 2011! This increase in cases brought money to the legal profession but drives away business and doctors. Small business, workers, and doctors suffer while members of the legal profession, resembling a 'new aristocracy', profit. If the Judges don't receive 60% of the vote in November they will lose their seats and be replaced.

December 2011 Judicial Ethics Questioned

Less than a year ago, the Chief Judge removed Judge Crowder from the asbestos docket citing 'ethical concerns' . The Madison St Clair County Record broke an expose describing Judge Crowder's campaign manager soliciting $30,000 in contributions from three favored law firms. Afterwards Judge Crowder provided 82% of the 2013 asbestos docket to them. Critics compared her actions to 'political pay for play' or as 'selling law suits'. Upon discovery, Crowder returned the money explaining her behavior was 'innocuous'. Many question if justice is for sale in Madison County.


To learn more about the ethical concerns in the Madison County Courts visit the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) For excellent investigative reporting and articles clarifying contributions, ethics, and to investigate if 'justice is for sale' in Madison County please visit The Madison St Clair County Record website and look for Callis, Crowder, Hylla, and Knight.


DonationsTo donate to CFJI to support our non retention campaign visit our donation link. We'll use your contribution to raise public awareness and to wage a non retention campaign.

Resource Information

Lawsuit Explosion Asbestos Cases

Informational Links

YOU CAN HELP! Perhaps you're fed up with the current law suit explosion and the harm it causes business and health care. FIGHT BACK! DONATE! Money will be used to fight for reform through grassroots distribution of flyers and signs. Small contributions from everyday people can make a big difference in our court system. If everyone gives a little we can do a lot.